The Astrology of Entrepreneurship: How Your Mercury Can Guide Your Business Strategy – PART TWO

The Astrology of Entrepreneurship: How Your Mercury Can Guide Your Business Strategy – PART TWO

This is part two of a four-part series where we’ll explore your Mercury placement via the sign, houses, and what certain aspects mean. Not sure where your Mercury falls? Email [email protected] with your birth time, location, and date to receive a copy of your chart.

In addition to the placement of Mercury in an individual’s birth chart, the sign of their Mercury can also provide valuable insights into their communication style and decision-making approach.

For example, individuals with Mercury in fiery signs such as Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius are likely to be assertive and confident communicators, with a preference for action-oriented decision-making. They may excel at quickly identifying opportunities and taking decisive action, but may also be prone to impulsiveness and may need to work on developing a more measured approach.

Individuals with Mercury in earth signs such as Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, on the other hand, are likely to be more practical and grounded in their communication and decision-making. They may have a strong attention to detail and a preference for methodical, step-by-step approaches, but may also need to guard against becoming too rigid or resistant to change.

Those with Mercury in air signs such as Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius are likely to be intellectual and communicative, with a preference for logical, analytical decision-making. They may excel at synthesizing information and finding creative solutions to complex problems, but may also need to work on developing a more grounded, practical approach.

Finally, individuals with Mercury in water signs such as Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces are likely to be intuitive and emotionally sensitive in their communication and decision-making. They may excel at understanding the emotional needs of others and building strong relationships, but may also need to guard against becoming too emotional or reactive in their decision-making.

Understanding the sign of your Mercury can help you to better understand your strengths and weaknesses as a communicator and decision-maker, and can help you to tailor your business strategy accordingly. For example, if you have Mercury in a fire sign, you may want to focus on developing a more measured, strategic approach to decision-making, while if you have Mercury in a water sign, you may want to focus on developing more objective, analytical skills.

Did you miss part one? Read here.